Monday, October 18, 2010

Pokemon Fire Online For Free

Soná SYMPOSIUM "skills training"

By: Claro Gomez Caballero.

Nineteen students Graduate Course Teaching Higher Regional Center of Veraguas (CRUV), held a symposium entitled "IN TRAINING OR COMPETITION" through which explained the trend of the education system and curriculum changes in the format of European convergence.
This symposium aimed to: obtain a more unfolded at the time of his entering the labor market. The same was held in the Hall Veraguas, the Hotel La Hacienda, on Saturday 16 October, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.

also participated, students of the Master of Teaching Higher Education and directors of the average level of the province of Veraguas.

Dr. Evidelio Adames Arjona, Research and Postgraduate Coordinator in CRUV said racing is not easy, said that from the biological standpoint, the competing species when using a long and hard process, which involves pushing environmental conditions, in this case There are social and after a process of adaptation where structures are created or lost, and the structures that are selected to be transmitted to future generations to then develop a process of evolution, he said, the entomologist.

For its part, the student Gregorio Delgado, coordinator of the symposium, explained that content is framed in four areas of training or competition, where the inter speaker acted with students through questions and direct answers, clarified all the doubts of the topics discussed were: training or competition, origin and educational trends on the Magister Clemente Vergara, the MEDUCA.

Curriculum Design by Magister April Chang Méndez of ICASE, Instrumentation Teaching, by Dr. Angel Manuel Batista, the CRUV, Assessment of learning by Dr. Arturo Rivera, the MEDUCA and ICASE Proposal in relation to competition, by Dr. Filiberto Morales, ICASE and the University of Panama.


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