By: Claro Gomez Caballero.
" I enjoyed participating in the walk, the singing of happy birthday, the piñata and the Mass and having to share with people, celebrating the 41 anniversary of the founding of the Centro Universitario Regional de Veraguas, which for me means a lot because I was the one who placed the first stone and I am happy about seeing how it has grown so much it makes me feel good "said Dr. Gustavo Garcia Paredes, Rector of the University of Panama, following his visit to the university family veragüenses on Friday, October 15, 2010, anniversary date of this institution of higher learning, located in the heart of the province of two seas.
should be remembered that acts of this celebration of the forty-first anniversary of CRUV, began on Monday 11 October with the inaugural ribbon cutting and presentation of digital exhibition "Historical Evolution and Current Affairs "the CRUV, plus educational exhibits handicrafts made from waste materials by students of the Faculty of Education.
Among other activities presented are: The Night of Fine Arts, where students from the Faculty, School of Music, coordinated by Professor Octavio Alonso Nuñez, who showed his talent with musical groups and various interpretations. Among them was the polyphonic choir, chorus First National 2009 and Mariachi.
competing products for sale, supported by the Institute of Agricultural Marketing (IMA), ornamental plants and fruit, presentation of academic, conference, "Learning to be university students, teachers by Olivia Moran Psychology of CRUV, Donaldo Ureña and Elias Castillo, the latter, coordinator of the Faculty, students attended the Institute Urraca, San Vicente de Paul and Professional and Technical Institute, in order to orient them to choose a career according to their attitudes and intellectual abilities.
From day folklore and gastronomic fair, we note that it was something unbelievable, was very enjoyable and busy, with the assistance of university and general community supported most of the activities, as is the case, the play "So Five Years Pass ", the English writer Federico García Lorca, staged by the group taetro Youth Ocatvio Méndez Pereira" of CRUV and directed by Professor CRUV deputy director, Maria de los Reyes Warner Puga.
Although yet to finish, the University Chapel " San Pancrazio" , it housed hundreds of parishioners attending the anniversary Mass, on October 15 , including the Lord Chancellor Dr. Gustavo García de Paredes, who promised the chaplain Father Hector Quiroz, who offer everything to scope for this work to be topped as soon as possible.
For his part, Professor Eva Brea, president of the Celebration Committee, said how honored he felt, for chairing this committee, in turn agardeció to all members of the same, the sponsors and institutions as MEDUCA, IMA, ACODECO, Normal School, Instituto Urraca, the Belisario Villar Pérez, teachers, students and administrators, those who voted with his queen Enilda Villarreal, who with his joy, warmth and charm graced over this anniversary, to all who helped achieve victory at last.
Finally the Master Cesar Augusto Garcia Escobar, director of CRUV said that this institution has contributed to the growth and strengthening of the province of Veraguas and the country, which has been most noticeable in the recent years because it has put air conditioners in all classrooms, improved physical space for administrative staff, expansion of academic offerings pre_grado level and post-graduate, attention to all the infrastructure has been improved fleet vehicular, wages of some or administrative action, including others, but none of these achievements have been made with magic wand has been obtained, with the decision of the rectory that believes in the development, strengthening and opportunities of people inside the country, as is Dr. Gustavo Garcia walls.
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