Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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By: Claro Gomez Caballero.

On behalf of Magister E Cesar A. Garcia, director of the Center Regional Universitario de Veraguas (CRUV), the Master Mary Puga Warner, deputy director, closed, on Monday 22 November, the international graduate of governance, which was provided at this facility June 4 to October 9, 2010.

were 19 participants from the provinces of Veraguas and Cocle, those who received their certificates at the event, supported by the Universities of Panama, and George Washington, United States.

On behalf of the Center for Public Policy and Transparency from the office of Extension of the University of Panama, was the Master Carlos Cortez and the extension in Veraguas, Magister Troetsch Sara Jordan. Unable to attend, representatives of the George Washington University and the Andean Development Corporation, who supported the development of this diploma.

On behalf of the participants, Lic. Yeicelina del Carmen Escobar Quiroz, offered his testimony and thanked the organizers of this degree, in turn, pointed out that the various proposals for goberanbililidad, not just a set of recommendations on menera more efficient to administer, but are specific proposals to establish relationships between the market and democracy.

These regulations inside the proposal of the State and its Mission the institutional and regulatory framework of a country, the flexibility of political systems and forms of participation and conflict management.

The Master Carlos Cortes, said this year, Geoge Washington University and the Andean Development Corporation, supported without missing classes in 18 courses nationwide were issued in four seat of the University of Panama. ; Agree that in this academic program enrolled 128 participants, but for various reasons, ended 111 staff nationwide, of which 101, have been awarded program certification.

However, in his closing speech, the Magister Maria Puga Warner, he reflected, noting that we must seize the opportunities, because they do not return and that therefore, the Rector, Dr. Gustavo Garcia de Paredes and the director of this Regional Centre, César A. Magister Garcia E, have endeavored to be the best, from the University of Panama.
Diploma should be remembered that this was directed at those with responsibility for the central and local governance of the Republic of Panama, academics, business leaders, political and social organizations.

Its objective was to strengthen the government agencies and civil society in their capacity to engage in change processes within a democratic environment, taking into account the conditions of governance.

Monday, November 22, 2010

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By: Claro Gomez Caballero.

corresponded to the Magister Maria Puga Warner, deputy director of the Centro Universitario Regional de Veraguas (CRUV), open and close, on Nov. 19, the Twelfth Day Dental Update 2010 at the Hotel Pyramid and with the cooperation of various business houses such as Colgate Palmolive, Medidental, Denticlínica, My Technology Panama, Odontomédica, Dental Import, Laboratorios Kin, Biomaterials SA, Amolca, Bac Panama and Menarini Laboratory.

The Organizing Committee was chaired by Dr. Roderick Zurita. Dr. Zurita, said the aim was to provide the most updated information on the specialty of dentistry and then put it into practice and benefit of patients.

For his part, Dr. Maria Almanza, coordinator of the Faculty of Dentistry in CRUV said that this day was aimed at doctors dentists Odonlógica Technical Assistance for Central provinces Campus students Octavio Méndez Pereira and two international speakers, Dr. Ofelia Villalobos of Nicaragua and Dr. Roberto Ardila of Colombia. In the opening ceremony was the main authorities of CRUV.

The Magister Maria Puga Warner, asked the organizers to continue with that work ethic and institutional affiliation, that these actions are positive for those seeking to deepen their profession directly and indirectly benefit many people .

On that Day addressed issues such as: Management lonómeros and resins, operation and maintenance of instruments and dental equipment, cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics, practical applications for compliance with biosafety regulations, dental and emergency management tools for a better cut of resin.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Posthumous tribute to Professor Diogenes Cedeño Cenci

To honor posthumously to Professor Diogenes Cedeño Cenci, ex_rector of the University of Panama and ex_ director of the Centro Regional Universitario de Veraguas, Veraguas, will host the meeting of educators English language, and the theme is: " Problems of teaching and learning English " This meeting will be held on 26 and 27 November 2010, in the Auditorium of the institution.

cordially invited

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Head: JUAN PABLO GONZALEZ REYES Faculty of Law and Political Science

During the week of 18 to 22 October this year, was held in the auditorium of the Centro Universitario Regional de Veraguas, the II International Seminar entitled: " JUSTICE IN THE XXI CENTURY ."

This event was organized by students of IV and V year of the Faculty of Law and Policies, coordinated by Lic. Cristina Maria Cheng , which included the presentation of distinguished and prestigious national and international speakers, who addressed current issues and the various branches of law such as: Commercial Law, Civil, Criminal, Administrative and General Law, .

also paid tribute to Professor Justo Castilla-Bravo, by the students of IV and V year of the Bachelor of Law and Political Science, for their careers and education to serve the national legal community.

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By: Clara Gomez Caballero.

A group of students from the Faculty of Education Area diversified course "Fundamentals of Secondary Education 548" to facilitate the teacher Jesus Maria Aguirre, conducted the second tour Academic 2010, this time visiting the High School of Calobre Agro_Forestal this Thursday November 11, 2010.
College students spoke to the students, and Media Pre_Media of this College calobreño for: Juvenile delinquency, licit and illicit, performance and dropout rates (how to take better advantage of the study and causes and consequences of dropping out), teaching methodology, indicators of high and low quality education.

Professor Andrew Finch, deputy director of Secondary School Agro_Forestal of Calobre, said the guidance led to estudinates is very valuable, because homes are not complying with the guidance of the children about the issues that college students develop their presentations, given the high level of family breakdown that occurs throughout the country, which Calobre not escape.

At the same time, said the mtarícula 2010, is about 350 students, and are attended by some 33 teachers and 7 or administrative action could increase for next school year because at the end of December this year or early January 2011, will receive their own infrastructure, after being occupied classrooms Tejada Eligio School for about a dozen years, forming a Bachelors of Science and Agricultural Sciences.

Similarly, students receive guidance with pleasure, made their questions to clarify some doubts and welcomed the visit of the university.

As you may remember, this same embassy academic, but with another group of students visited the 26th of October, the Professional and Technical College Jesus Hector Gallego, of the township, of San Jose, San Francisco . In this way the University of Panama, through the Centro Universitario Regional de Veraguas, continues its outreach in remote communities of the city.

To conclude this academic tour, the group of students CRUV, gave several books on the topics covered by Professor Andrew Finch, deputy director of the school, who was in charge of receiving the delegation university.

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Today November 13, to mark the Panamanian newspaper DAY, the University family joins the joy of all professionals involved and identified with this sacred social work developed for the benefit of our community. We congratulate

as fair recognition, while urging them to continue providing the public accurate and unbiased information, since the main reason for this profession is to guide the masses, providing a statement of the facts in a balanced way so that it can set their own criteria.

We are aware that each performs a hard work throughout the year, given the plight of the events in different parts of the country to be covered at any hour Day or night, without thinking twice.

I take this opportunity to reject the constant persecution by the government next shift to fellow journalists and fourth freedom of expression, to conceal their disabilities. All professions have their code of ethics, we expect the government to meet their own and away from his disastrous double standard.

for true justice, peace, food, education, health, good roads, transport, medicines, transparency, social security, better hospitals, traditions, culture of life, healthy recreation and sport morality, let's exercise our work to inform with dignity, tenacity and love of country.


Mr. Claro Gomez Caballero.

2010: "75 Year Anniversary of the University of Panama"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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By: Claro Gomez Caballero.

With a breakfast conference, the Centro Universitario Regional de Veraguas, closed institutional program for breast cancer prevention and próstota , pink and blue ribbon, organized by the Ministry of Health at national level in October.
CRUV In this year (2010), placed tapes of both colors to administrative, faculty and students, also became a contest of office arrangements, the first place was for the staff of the Directorate of the institution, who besides decorating, presented slides on the prevention of this deadly disease, the second place went to the office of the Academic and one for Personal.

worth noting that these activities were coordinating the institution's Social Worker, Licensed Yerania González and collaboration of the Office of Public Relations.

breakfast conference aimed to collect cash to help with the programs of care for cancer patients attending the National Association Against Cancer Chapter of Veraguas, chaired by the dynamic Dr. Domenico Melillo and administered by Ana Flores Lic.
The speaker Oct. 28, also day of public relations, it was the doctor Melillo, who illustrated the audience about the work being done ANCEC in the province of Veraguas, where cases of cancer have been increasing.

be recalled that this year, CRUV ANCEC and signed an agreement for the Schools of Nursing, Medicine (Medical Radiology), Psychology and Social Work, supportive care of cancer patients in Veraguas. Dr. Melillo said he hoped that teachers and students to do research in the field of medicine with evidence and thus, change the attitude of people especially in preventive medicine.
However, César A. Magister E Garcia, director of CRUV, confirmed what the same program, the teacher had thought Sara Jordan of Troetsch, Extension Secretary, who said "there are many people with much money, but suddenly not healthy or have children or close family members with chronic physical disability," then you have to mediate with regard to money, health and happiness , recalled the phrase "giving cause happiness, whereas, highlighted the work of ANCEC, noting that action is noble, laudable and very human, it deserves all the support, therefore, the CRUV comes working with this noble cause.

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By: Claro Gomez Caballero.

School Students Science Education Regional University Center of Veraguas, chair of " Foundations of Education 548 Media, which is given by Professor Jesús María Aguirre , held recently, an academic tour to Jesus College and Technical Training Hector Gallego, the village of San Jose, San Francisco District, Veraguas Province, about 17 kilometers north of Santiago.

the tour in the diversified area college students, presented to students in the last years of the campus, topics such as "Crime Juvenile, Drug, and Dropout Performance, Teaching Methodology, Indicators of High and Low Quality in Education, among others, all with updated data.

College Students Jesus Hector Gallego, were very satisfied by the talks, because it motivates them to change their attitudes, clarifying information and raise awareness on the quality of education with competence.

For his part, Professor Jesús María Aguirre, appointed facilitator of the Chair, said the aim of bringing the middle class schools, the conferences, it is precisely to contribute changing attitudes of young people from different high schools, which in adolescence tend to deviate in society due to lack of guidance.

Regarding the development of student speakers, Professor Aguirre, said he was surprised, because all presented their respective topics is excellent with very clear and precise examples, with the participation and motivation of the audience , emphasized that this type of message to the community, are more successful, than to help type material because the material is finished, while lessons are in the mind of every student.

Professor Aguirre, she said, that on Thursday 11 November 2010, another embassy also lead to cultural and academic Agro_Forestal College of Calobre, another group of students from diverse areas of the Faculty of Education.

College students exhibitors felt that the methodology is to bring the schools is productive, because you have to induce young people to study them to understand that the more we study, more likely to get better quality of life there. Finely

Professor Fidel Delgado, director of the Colegio Jesús Héctor Gallego, expressed pleasure at having received the university group and that their students may have received this information and guidance.