Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Robin Subaru 169cc 6.5hp


By: Claro Gomez Caballero.

With a breakfast conference, the Centro Universitario Regional de Veraguas, closed institutional program for breast cancer prevention and próstota , pink and blue ribbon, organized by the Ministry of Health at national level in October.
CRUV In this year (2010), placed tapes of both colors to administrative, faculty and students, also became a contest of office arrangements, the first place was for the staff of the Directorate of the institution, who besides decorating, presented slides on the prevention of this deadly disease, the second place went to the office of the Academic and one for Personal.

worth noting that these activities were coordinating the institution's Social Worker, Licensed Yerania González and collaboration of the Office of Public Relations.

breakfast conference aimed to collect cash to help with the programs of care for cancer patients attending the National Association Against Cancer Chapter of Veraguas, chaired by the dynamic Dr. Domenico Melillo and administered by Ana Flores Lic.
The speaker Oct. 28, also day of public relations, it was the doctor Melillo, who illustrated the audience about the work being done ANCEC in the province of Veraguas, where cases of cancer have been increasing.

be recalled that this year, CRUV ANCEC and signed an agreement for the Schools of Nursing, Medicine (Medical Radiology), Psychology and Social Work, supportive care of cancer patients in Veraguas. Dr. Melillo said he hoped that teachers and students to do research in the field of medicine with evidence and thus, change the attitude of people especially in preventive medicine.
However, César A. Magister E Garcia, director of CRUV, confirmed what the same program, the teacher had thought Sara Jordan of Troetsch, Extension Secretary, who said "there are many people with much money, but suddenly not healthy or have children or close family members with chronic physical disability," then you have to mediate with regard to money, health and happiness , recalled the phrase "giving cause happiness, whereas, highlighted the work of ANCEC, noting that action is noble, laudable and very human, it deserves all the support, therefore, the CRUV comes working with this noble cause.


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