First South American Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety, which aims to put on the public agenda in the regions the importance of road safety to preserve life in the country reducing traffic accidents. The South American meeting was opened by the Minister of Transport and Communications, Enrique Cornejo, was held at the Hotel Los Delfines, 14 and 15 March and aims to bring those countries to take decisions important for facilitating the transport of cargo and passengers in the region, so as to adopt a culture of road safety on the basis of the same language and reduce the risks to the public on the roads. In the meeting also addressed issues relating to road safety, such as driver licensing, emergency care, lifting s of data after a crash, making registration cards only emergency medical centers, among other topics. Upon completion of the conclave, participating ministers signed the Declaration of Lima, an important document that embodies the common goal, working to reduce the accident rate and thus how to join the efforts of the United Nations organization (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO) for the decade 2011-2020, declared as the Decade of Road Safety.
is important to focus on creating a national driver education plan and adapt it to our regional reality that we achieve this will slow the rate of accidents and deaths on the roads, the First Meeting of South American Ministers will take a significant step because it will adopt a culture and improving road safety.
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