Thursday, April 21, 2011

Poems For A Older Pregnant Sister

A sometimes irritates me that the upstart or witty or gotten a writer and literature declared that without this or that author-especially renowned, such as Baudelaire, "is not what has always been said, because he, the new leader of the literature and has revived a form of writing and reading, comes in to say that boutade wins . Think your criteria cathedral will rise further while more famous is the writer of yore. However, literature has always kept the fate of everyone, because it is merely clear and the words of these eminent writers remain as an eyesore on all of the arguments supporting their sledgehammers.

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fter reading, I mean, background lines, makes me want to delete them and throw them into oblivion, but it will end after just sensitive of Trapiello, enter one in the spiral of sincerity even though this may be offensive in any case. The truth is that we tontuna in these times, when anyone comes without a license and decide, given their ignorance, to say that this poet does not mean anything or that this author is masterful, is more common than usual. Only that, the envelope of what is believed literature. ***


odavía in Malaga, the sky gray and the mountain at last in sight, as the fog has decided to leave the landscape to venture out to sea. We are here doing what we promised: rest and reading. Since then, the readings were in the cloth bag being made and it is a satisfaction that did not get much time with this fully. Just after finishing sensitive and read and write several books of poems , I see M. attentive to the Italian language, but with a calm and temperance, for it was a necessary good. ***

E l craft of writing is that of Lázaro de Tormes, be aware of people's lives, but always bearing in mind that life, which is dissolved in consciousness, not ours. As the book of Lazarus, which is neither day nor novel nor life, nor adversity, but it could be all at the same time. O's own Don Quixote, who looks more like a symbolic exercise of a spirit outstripped that of Cervantes. ***

T period that you go this tropics scoring, which blend the life and literature, is perhaps an answer to the questions that I frequent daily. In Emily Dickinson's poems the reader can find strength in miniature, but entire life behind those words that enhance and elevate to a higher pitch. This is the case with Rilke and Tolstoy, their lives are those of their books or books are written lessons, as they belong to all genders and all structures. I mean, if this persists tropics is not for life itself, rather for the rest that remove and usurped.


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