lways S he creído que lo que uno hace al comienzo del día determina el resto del tiempo y que, por ese motivo, hay que tener muy claro que no se puede conceder los inicios a cualquier actividad a no ser que esta sea frugal. Al despertar, nos mostramos, casi instintivamente, abiertos, todavía habitando entre los sueños y la rendición a los sentidos. En ese trance, en la duermevela, no pocas veces puede uno llegar a pensar cosas insospechadas o a escribir algunas líneas que luego necesitan el arreglo de la sintaxis, pero que presentan una sustancia fastuosa y venida del límite. Del límite de la noche y el despertar.
Así las cosas, todas las mañanas del sábado, sea cual sea la tarea que tenga uno encomendada, I can only get out of bed, grab a book and write some lines like these, little or nothing to say over the years, but these strategies require a notice to mariners.
a mop should be a time, use these bands of the day we deliver to other tasks and should be productive. That is the struggle with life, the tireless struggle with that every morning I start from deep an exasperated cry, soundproof, which belies a day and sentence despite their claws on each and weigh on me. Only the mind can overcome this blockade of the vacuum, because all the mechanical and ends in smoke addled in global reminiscent of something not even want. just have to listen to who is retiring or who has been able to stop doing the daily task of work. No longing, desire, nostalgia, rather will drop, although activity has been the lifetime.
On the contrary, the dedication to other disciplines such as art, they offer the back of that interpretation. She is slowly supplanting life to confuse and make it bigger. What seemed to have entered a loop, it is incomprehensible, an abyss just in ourselves. And old age, the highest state of consciousness is, however, the moment you can mourn for the few hours it is to continue rising on Saturday morning and challenge to date and challenge to society and feel vengeful because of the misery of the unrest.
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