Thursday, May 12, 2011

How Can I Buy A Piece Of Corian

H and decided that I will start a book on Dante. ***

Q erhaps all these texts deserve to other air captives, another way to get caught. Sometimes choking me the idea that the texts have been incomplete, crudely executed, sadly discharges. And that's just our fault, the scribe, I mean, not the text that had sprung sprang or better in other hands. But there is no artistic creation in tandem and, rather, so the combined composition is always ahead with suspicion, because everyone who believes he knows in advance that loneliness is the indispensable condition, the site of the apparitions Talent or what possesses a unique feel when typing. Texts
captives, at the end of the day, White rescued unsatisfactorily. Is that guilt and punishment of the writer, which is not certain what would become of that idea in another person or what would have happened if his ideas had been transferred to other, better equipped, more intelligent and gifted, "we would be better why?


E 're days when we get a packet of books on an island, because they always come from an island in the books at a house, buy a different tone. Upon reaching the door, were there hoping volumes The open hand. After taking the appropriate wine glass after the meal, start to open. On the one hand, a book of poems called final version at last, at least to date, An approach to uncertainty, JSM Furthermore, Memories of a bullfighter, Andrés Luque Gago, silk Dura of Juan Peña, Lauda, \u200b\u200bPaul Moreno and To hand deliver, by José Luis García Martín. The method is well known. The books of poems read in the open, especially the first two or three poems that I started. Then glean here and there and if I have not converted any of the poems or verses ever back to read them, unless that appears by chance or by necessity or other reason other than literary. It is for this reason that when I read a book of poems I do it in calm and tranquility, because the verdict is eternal.
something different with the prose. A prose must give another reading time, as its substance so requires. To deliver to hand, JGM, presented diplomas to each of the texts and that surprised me in a journal. I find it difficult to understand this mania for what degree can one put on a day the one and diverse, our host and precipitate? ***

H o could be called the "Text captives" and perhaps would meet with less, but doing more writing. Captivity Cervantes wrote it centuries ago and perhaps Borges left to clear that poetry must dream too much knowledge and Virgil and Dante were persecuted for their work to disappear into the fantasy of being created.


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