Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Does Heat Packs Do For Swelling With Wisdoms

L eo absorbed devotes pages to George Santayana in Three poets Dante philosophers, Lucretius, Dante, Goethe . With an incisive introduction, Santayana's prose, translated by Ferrater-Mora, "is presented with conviction that reading was the philosopher of Dante's work. These are pages of admiration, but measured and written almost no literary ambition. I find this exercise healthy, clean and sincerely written. Perhaps as the express wishes of its author in the annex attached to the editing and idleness claiming properly understood as a legitimate instrument of creation.
is precisely what substance idleness a newspaper. Because the paper did not repairs in the method and the systematic implementation of this or that slogan. Is anarchic or so should be and grow, as does the idle, which only serves at the whim of one man. The difference, however, between the merely banal and passenger and a newspaper, for example, is in words. Therefore, the majority prefer to rest with manual labor, with distractions that only involve physical exertion if possible. Because physically recovers and goes. But not the words that leave an annotated are marked, incisive, percucientes. At the time, when one becomes about them, read them carefully or uneasiness, felt that there was an awareness that if only you belonged for few minutes, if only a result of the ineffable. However, these words recorded and from idleness, will be after us and say something about who we were and will set out the behaviors and preferences insinuábamos and resignations, life, after all. Is that the difference between a newspaper that just wants to rise up from the idle and one who knows that he is just an idle state of being. There can be no concessions to the word, because we will not restore it anymore when we only remember between the lines.


L as evenings are taking the offensive aspect summer. Desperate light on the walls. Air numb. Stifling breath. However, wheat is unrepentant in his body and gold plated pin. What remains serene in the morning when I look at it, pilgrim, fleshing out the light. Wheat, fruit settles on the silent hills edges. There, despite the heat and although it covered his eyes, his being renewed each spring and will once again saying the psalms and will air. Only I will abandon the land only. And it will be soon, before the wheat ceases to be forever in adverbs.


O incurs few occasions, but sometimes I am surprised by the finding of words that nourish unexpectedly late. These lines that I bring the newspaper I have read in a book titled God Library and obviously I bought the title, because that idea made me tremble Borges for a few minutes and led me to believe in a god who has a library. A library is a choice and a classification. What would these two patterns for God? In this book, he said, there is a prologue that has its references to the work of philology, so come down in these days when linguists are content to go into some scuffle of little substance or be as autologous or protoprosistas.
volume offers a definition of Funaioli Gino Italian, written in 1950, recently put in writing exactly what that meant idle this afternoon, "Philology is a discipline that wants to return historically spiritual unity of a people through manifestations of his being. "To conduct this work so complex, the scholar has taken off both of being and the spirit and the demonstrations, which left him only what the epidermal surface and gives the word.


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